Ceramic AR

The Ceramic AR Experience

To interact with the Ceramic AR virtual experience below, please download the Ceramic AR iOS app on your mobile device, and point your phone’s camera towards each cube photo below.

Update: Please note that the app is now deprecated as it was launched for this exhibition 3/4 years ago. However, screenshots from the app experience have been included below.

For the Ideal Experience

  • View the AR experience for all cubes by clicking through the slideshow.

  • Maximize your screen size on this device, preferably a laptop or desktop.

  • Turn up the volume of your mobile device.



  • Title: The Ceramic AR Experience

  • Creator: Nini Ikhena (creative technologist/iOS developer) in collaboration with Carina Claassens (ceramist/visual storyteller).

  • Date Created: Jan 2021

The Ceramic AR App & Press Photos:

Priscilla Ikhena